Best vnc for mac
Best vnc for mac

best vnc for mac

It brings millions of full-powered, high-sophistication Mac and Windows programs to the screen of the humble iPad - backed by the full speed, storage and memory of those Macs and Windows machines.

best vnc for mac

Parallels Access is quick to set up, simple to understand, almost limitless in potential. Eighty dollars a year, forever, seems steep. No, they’re not as good, but they also don’t saddle your life with yet another eternal subscription. But those VNC apps cost a one-time $10 or $20. Parallels says that it is providing a service - your connection from iPad to computer goes through its secure servers. Electricity, cable TV, Internet, magazines, fruit in a box. It’s the “a year.” Subscriptions make sense when a company provides you with some good or service month after month.


(Mac owners get a free two-week trial PC owners become part of the free public beta-testing program, of undetermined length.) That’s right: Access requires a subscription. The bigger concern, though, is the price: $80 a year. (You can opt to have the computer screen go blank.) Its screen shows exactly what the iPad does: a squat, rectangular, one-window image. You should know, too, that when your iPad is connected, nobody can use the Mac or PC. For example, you can speak to dictate, or you can use the iPad’s non-English keyboards, or even the iPad’s little character-drawing sketch pad for Chinese character recognition. The iPad’s text-entry features still work, even though you’re typing into a program on the other side of the world. When you need a keyboard, you can tap a button on the unobtrusive, hideable Access toolbar, and a big on-screen keyboard appears, with all the traditional Mac or Windows keys (Esc, Tab, Ctrl, Alt, F1, Home, End, arrow keys and so on). You can highlight, copy and paste text and graphics using the familiar iPad conventions for example, once you’ve selected some words, the usual iPad row of black buttons (Cut, Copy, Select All and so on) shows up. That magnified area also makes it easy to see when your cursor shape has changed, as it often does in programs like Excel and Photoshop. Access displays the familiar iPad loupe - a magnified circle - that lets you tap or drag with greater precision.


You fill in your Parallels name and password, and boom: the connection is made, with 256-bit AES encryption (translation: “very securely”).Īccess is filled with additional touches that VNC-type programs generally lack, which further adapt mouse-and-keyboard software to a touch screen.įor example, when you need to see some tiny interface item, you can hold your finger down momentarily. Parallels Access requires no fiddling with routers, firewalls or port numbers. Note you will have to specify the new port when connecting, and you may need to reconfigure firewalls and routers.” O.K. You can listen on a new port, providing no other service or program is doing so. Here’s an excerpt from steps for VNC Viewer, one of the best reviewed apps: “By default, VNC Server listens on port 5900. From wherever they happen to be, they can see, operate and troubleshoot the computer back at headquarters from the screen of a single iPad, without having to put on pants and drive to the office.īut Parallels Access is superior, for many reasons.įirst, VNC apps are extremely technical to set up. Many iPad apps do that, bearing names like VNC Viewer and Screens. Parallels Access is not the first product that gives you access to your Mac or PC remotely.

Best vnc for mac